
There are many ways in which enjoyment in creative learning can be achieved.

Knowledge is attained through basic music ELEMENTS and FOCUS AREAS forming a learning KALEIDESCOPE.

Each of these elements or focus areas must be given appropriate attention so that each develop necessary music muscle. Together, the pupil rapidly advances into understanding music as a whole.

The Clarkson Piano Studio equips learners with the necessary tools for effective learning ~
these include free workshop classes throughout the year.

Focus Areas

Music Theory

Learning the Language of Music

Ear (Aural) Training

Recognising and understanding Music which one hears

History of Music

Music through the Ages

Composition and Improvisation

Increase understanding of Musical structure

Sight Reading

Read & play Music you’ve never heard before


Improve optimal Musical production

Piano Method

Theodor Leschetizky (22 June 1830 - 14 November 1915)

Perhaps the secret of his successful teaching was that he worked with each student’s personality and technical abilities in an individual way.  His famous weekly classes provided his students the opportunity to try out their pieces prior to public performances before a discerning audience of their fellow students and invited guests.


Sibelius 7

James Hanschumaker in the Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education 1980

Direct music participation enhances the development of creativity