Favourite Quotations and Ideologies
They Said It First!
Every man is an instrument and his life is a melody
Old Jewish saying
I think it’s beautiful to practice. I love to practice
Claudio Arrau
the best form of communication… in it’s simplicity, music is a powerful tool
Nelson Mandela on Music
Music taught me how to practice and patience with creativity
Bill Clinton
There can be no life without art, and no art without life
Theodor Leschetizky
When you teach children to love and appreciate music, you are helping them lift themselves up to new places of the mind and the heart
Richard Riley, U.S. Secretary of Education
The direct link between arts education and academic achievement as documented by a growing body of research … Music training appears to develop the synaptic connections that are relevant to abstract thought
June Hinckley: President of the National Association (U.S.A.) for Music Education
Education in music is most sovereign because more than anything else, rhythm and harmony find their way to the inmost soul and take strongest hold upon it, bringing with them an imparting grade if one is rightly trained
Three-way cooperation between teacher, pupil and parent
Music is a discipline; the rewards are great
Sir David Willcocks
Consistency makes a professional
Professor Yu Chun Yee
Music … fills (me) with the wonder of life and the ‘incredible marvel’ of being a human
Charles Ives
It is enriching and ennobling
Leonard Bernstein
Music makes the elderly healthier
Dr. Frederick Tims
An Ideal Worth Embracing
Mousike : Carl Orff’s interpretation of the word “music” which embraced all the arts (of the muse) so that speech and language, movement and dance are at one with singing and instrumental sounds.